Mainstream Room 200 Directors | Earl & Patsy Smith
Mainstream is a group of men and women in our 70’s and 80’s worshiping, studying, witnessing, praying and fellowshipping together while growing together in the Kingdom of God.
Credible Source Bible Study class is a multigenerational mix of married couples and single adults with a common focus of studying God's word printed in the Bible and enjoying Christian fellowship.
Cornerstone Room 203 Directors |Brian Ballew
Cornerstone is generally for parents of preschool and elementary age children.
The Cross In Common Room 303 Director | Ross Bender
The Cross in Common group is undefined by age or family type. We are a diverse blend of welcoming Christians who participate in facilitated Bible Study discussions.
Redeemed Room 205 Director | Gary Buckley
Redeemed is a co-ed class of married and single adults in their 60’s.
Elective Room 209 Director | Carl Hubbard
The Elective Class is a co-ed group of mostly senior adults (although anyone of any age is welcome) who meet together for prayer, fellowship and bible study using the Explore the Bible series by Lifeway.
Legacy Room 300 Director | April Massey
Legacy Bible Study class is a coed group of prayer warriors in their upper 60's into their 70's who love the Word and seek to put it into practice.
Connections Room 301 Director | Shelia Savell
Connections is a young adult Bible study that welcomes new high school graduates and college students, to those starting out in their careers. We enjoy getting together for social events throughout the month, as well as serving the church together as a class!
Home Builders Room 302 Director | Stacey Bryant
Home Builders is a group of parents with children generally in the elementary to teenage years. We are a large and very active class who enjoy walking through this season of life together.
Foundations Room 304 Directors | Mitchell/Rychlik
Foundations is a group of adults in their mid-to-late 20’s. From young professionals to newly married to new parents, our group focuses hard on biblical life lived in community.
Ladies Class Room 306 Director | Priscilla Fisher
The Ladies Bible Study is a mixed group of married, widowed, and divorced ladies in their fifties through early seventies who enjoy fellowship and Bible study through a variety of studies for women by such authors as Jennifer Rothschild, Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, and Lisa Harper.
Day Spring Fellowship Hall Director | Charlie Simons
Dayspring is a co-ed group of Senior adults who gather to worship the Lord, read His Word and fellowship with one another.
Grief Share Support Group Thursdays | 7:00pm
Grief Share is intended for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. It consists of a 13-week curriculum including videos, group discussion, and workbook assignments. The 13-week sequence will be repeated in the future. Participants can join at any time during the sequence. For more information call 210-545-2300 Current sessions will start on April 8th