Women's Ministry

Ladies in faith together aim to effectively meet the spiritual and emotional needs of the women of Shearer Hills and to bring unity as women in the body of Christ.

Men's Ministry

Genuine relationships between men are difficult to foster. Our Men’s ministry aims to create casual environments through a variety of activities during the year for men to build relationships of mutual trust, encouragement and brotherly love.
Encore Ministry

The Encore ministry of Shearer Hills exists to encourage our adults, fifty-five and older, to help others Know God More. We are active in missions locally, in North America, and around the world. There is a great sense of community within our diverse, multi-stage of life, families. We believe that God is not finished with us, so we travel, play games together, fellowship, study God’s Word, and serve others. There is room for you to be part of Shearer Hills and the Encore Ministry.

Sunday Bible Study

Bible studies provide an opportunity to grow in your knowledge of Jesus Christ and grow in community together. The goal is always for knowledge to lead into life change in the midst of healthy relationships for God’s glory.